My Life/English
Let's study English - 분사구문
2017. 4. 24. 01:54
긴 부사절[접속사+주어+동사]에서 접속사와 주어를 생략하고
동사를 분사로 바꾸어 간단한 부사구로 전환한 형태.
1. 현재분사
그는 경찰관을 보고 도망갔다.
Seeing a police officer, he ran away.
= When he saw a police officer, he ran away.
잭이 서울에 도착하자 나에게 전화했다.
Arriving in Seoul, Jack called me.
= When Jack was arrived in Seoul, He called me.
우측으로 돌면 커피숍을 찾을 수 있을것이다.
Turning to the right, you will find the coffee shop
= if you turn to the right, you will find the coffee shop.
그가 매우 존경받는 것을 인정하지만, 그래도 나는 그사람에 동의할수없다.
Admitting he is highly admired, I still don't agree with him.
= Even if (Althought) I admit that he is highly admired, I still don't aqgree with him.
2. 현재분사완료
말을하고보니 나는 나의 사촌을 픽업하러 공항에 가야한다.
Having said that, I need to pick up my cousin at the airport.
= After I (have) said that, I need to pick up my cousin at the airport.
그 책 다봐서 빌려줄 수 있다.
Having read the book, I can lend it to you.
= Since I (have) read the book, I can lend it to you.
그녀는 외국에 너무 오래 살아서 이 문화에 맞지 않는것같다.
Having lived abroad for too long, Sandra does not seem to fit in this culture.
= As she has lived abroad for too long, Sandra does not seem to fit in this culture.
3. 과거분사
혼자남겨져서 나는 겁이났다.
(Being) Left alone, I was scared.
= As (because) I was left alone, I was scared.
이태리에서 만들어졌지만, 이 드레스는 비싸지 않다.
(Being) Made in Italy, this dress is not very expensive.
= Although this dress was made in Italy, this dress is not very expensive.
그 코스에 관심이 있어서 영어회화를 등록했다.
(Being) Interested in the course, I registered for English conversation.
= As (because) I was interested in the course, I registered for English conversation.
Having finished her work, Patty went shopping.
After Patty had finished her work, she went shopping.
그 책은 쉬운 스타일로 쓰여져서 많은 독자들이 있다.
(Being) Written in an easy style, the book has many readers.
= As the book is written in an easy style, it has many readers.
이 차는 한국에서 만들어졌기 때문에 매우 견고하다.
(Being) Made in Korea, this car is very sturdy.
= Because this car was made in Korea, it is very sturdy.
멀리서 보면 그 바위는 사람처럼 보인다.
(Being) Seen at a distance, the rock looks like a human.
= if the rock is seen at a distance, it looks like a human.
그 섬을 비행기에서 봤을때 정말 아름다웠다.
(Being) Seen from the plane, the island was very beautiful.
= When the island was seen from the plane, it was very beautiful.