티스토리 뷰

My Life/English

English Tenses.

rocksea 2015. 7. 24. 03:12

시제 (English Tenses)

영어에는 한국의 시제와 다르게 12가지의 시제가 있다.

Simple Present - 단순 현재

Simple Past - 단순 과거

Simple Future - 단순 미래

Present Progressive - 현재 진행

Past Progressive - 과거 진행

Future Progressive - 미래 진행

Present Perfect - 현재 완료

Past Perfect - 과거 완료

Future Perfect - 미래 완료

Present Progressive Perfect - 현재 완료 진행

Past Progressive Perfect - 과거 완료 진행

Future Progressive Perfect - 미래 완료 진행

한국의 과거, 현재, 미래에 비하면 뭐가 이렇게 많을까? 

생각 해보니, 영어라는 언어가 상당히 디테일하고 정확한 표현을 요하는 문화에서 

시작되었다는 것을 유추해볼 수 있다. 언어는 곧 문화를 반영하기 때문이다.

그래서 각 시제별 가벼운 예를 표로 만들어 보았다.


 Affirmative / Negative / Question

 Simple Present 

 (단순 현재)

 A : He is speak.

 N : He doesn't speak.

 Q : Does he speak?

 Simple Past

 (단순 과거)

 A : He spoke.

 N : He didn't spoke.

 Q : Did he spoke?

 Simple Future

 (단순 미래)

 A : He is going to speak. or (He will speak.)

 N : He isn't going to speak. or (He will not speak.)

 Q : Is he going to speak? or (will he speak?)

 Present Progressive 

 (현재 진행)

 A : He is speaking.

 N : He isn't speaking.

 Q : Is he speaking?

 Past Progressive 

 (과거 진행)

 A : He was speaking.

 N : He wasn't speaking.

 Q : Was he speaking? 

 Future Progressive

 (미래 진행)

 A : He will be speaking.

 N : He will not be speaking.

 Q : will he be speaking?   

 Present Perfect 

 (현재 완료)

 A : He has spoken. 

 N : He has not spoken.

 Q : Has he spoken?

 Past Perfect 

 (과거 완료)

 A : He had spoken.

 N : He had not spoken.

 Q : Had he spoken?

 Future Perfect

 (미래 완료)

 A : He will have spoken.

 N : He will not have spoken.

 Q : Will he have spoken?

 Present Progressive Perfect  

 (현재 완료 진행)

 A : He has been speaking.

 N : He has not been speaking.

 Q : Has he been speaking?

 Past Progressive Perfect 

 (과거 완료 진행)

 A : He had been speaking.

 N : He had not been speaking.

 Q : Had he been speaking?

 Future Progressive Perfect 

 (미래 완료 진행)

 A : He will have spoken.

 N : He will not have spoken.

 Q : Will he have spoken?

디테일한 표현에 있어서의 뇌구조가 이토록 다르기 때문에 시제를 구별하기 위해서는

항상 시간의 순서에 의해 사고하는 습관을 들여야 자연스럽게 말 할 수 있을것이다.

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