티스토리 뷰


[ console ] commands

rocksea 2012. 10. 8. 11:37


console 접속 명령

# su - postgres

# psql



  # show a list of databases


    # show users

        select * from pg_user;

    # show all tables (including system tables)

        select * from pg_tables;

    # show tables in the current context (database/schema)


    # change current database

       \c database;

    # show all schemas in the current database


    # Grant permissions on a schema to a user

        GRANT ALL ON myschema TO user;

    # show help


    # copy a table to a tab delimeted file

        COPY table TO ‘table.txt’;

    # load a table from a tab delimeted file

        COPY table FROM ‘table.txt’;

    # show permissions on database objects

        \z [object]

        r — SELECT (“read”)
        w — UPDATE (“write”)
        a — INSERT (“append”)
        d — DELETE
        R — RULE
        x — REFERENCES (foreign keys)
        t — TRIGGER
        X — EXECUTE
        U — USAGE
        C — CREATE
        T — TEMPORARY
        arwdRxt — ALL PRIVILEGES (for tables)
        * — grant option for preceding privilege
        /yyyy — user who granted this privilege

    # Run the vacuum utility

        vacuumdb –verbose –analyze –all

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